
How do I receive the newsletter?

Unregistered is hosted on Substack. When you subscribe, you will receive new posts every Thursday.

You can read them:

  • as an email in your inbox

  • on your computer in a browser of your choice

  • on your mobile phone or tablet using the ad-free Substack app

  • via RSS in your preferred feedreader (any modern RSS reader can subscribe simply using the home URL).

You can cancel your subscription and your Substack account anytime.

I subscribed, but I can’t find the newsletter–what happened?

If you can’t find the newsletter, check your spam folder, as it might have landed there by accident. Drag the email to your primary inbox, and mark the address as ‘not spam.’ Check the promotions tab if the newsletter isn’t in your spam folder.

If you’re a Gmail user, please reply to this email with a quick Hey!, your favorite emoji or something completely absurd. Add to your email contacts. You may not receive my emails due to Google’s email filters if you don't do this.

If none of this works, please get in touch with Substack support.

Can I share paid emails?

Well, I’d prefer you not to forward them. If you still decide to, please don’t overdo it and consider encouraging the recipients to subscribe.

I like to read a paywalled article but can’t afford the cost. What can I do?

If for any reason you want access to something that’s paywalled and you seriously can’t afford it (please be honest), shoot me an email and I’ll give you access.

Are paid subscriptions handled securely?

Subscriptions are processed securely through Substack. Credit cards (and Apple Pay) go through Stripe.

How do I change my subscription plan?

If you are subscribed to Unregistered and want to change your plan from monthly to annual or annual to founding member, follow these steps to do that directly on your Substack account.

How do I pause or cancel my paid subscription?

I’m sorry to see you go. Paid subscriptions can be paused or canceled at any time. Once you cancel your subscription, it will terminate at the end of the billing period, and you will not be charged again. If a refund request is made within seven days of payment, Substack will issue a refund.

To pause or cancel a paid subscription, follow these steps.

How do I unsubscribe?

You can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email newsletter or by visiting your Manage Subscription page and clicking the red “Unsubscribe” button.

Replying “unsubscribe” or “cancel” to an email newsletter will not unsubscribe you.

I have a question that has not been answered here. Where do I get help?

If you have any questions about the Substack platform and customer support, please visit the Substack Help Center. Don’t hesitate to ask Substack’s chatbot; it’s surprisingly good.

Obligatory disclaimer

This blog/newsletter is not funded, sponsored, endorsed, or associated with my employer or any other organization with which I may be affiliated. The platform that publishes my work is not affiliated with this publication. All ideas and creative work expressed in this publication are my own.